(Updated July 18/21)
In accordance with the provincial health regulations, beginning Friday, July 16, we are able to allow clients to return to the barns at Tomiko Training Centre, under the following provisions:
Visitors must be fully masked at all times and maintain social distancing.
Do not visit the barn if you were exposed to COVID-19 or have symptoms, or have been in contact with someone who has.
Visitors must be vigilant of the number of people in a barn and must not enter a barn or must exit a barn when the number of people in the barn exceeds the limit of 25.
As always, we ask that you visit during hours when there is staff onsite (generally 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m., Mon – Sat).
You should also be aware that staff do not generally wear masks while in the barn as they have been bubbled together since the start of the pandemic.
While we would normally encourage you to bring as many guests as you like, and stay as long as you like, we ask that you continue to limit your guests and time spent in the barn.
These restrictions will remain in place until further notice.
If you have questions, please contact Kelly